by Alex | May 5, 2019 | Unity Tips
UNITY TIP: Use the reset method to configure your components This one is relatively straightforward. For me it took a while before knowing the usefulness of the Reset() method call.Initially I thought it would only apply when you click on the cog icon and press reset.... by Alex | Apr 29, 2019 | Unity Tips
UNITY TIP: Utilize C# interfaces to simplify development When I first started programming I never quite understood the benefits of using interfaces.Over time this however has changed. And they have been proven to be quite useful in Unity. What is an interface?The way... by Alex | Apr 11, 2019 | Unity Tips
Unity Tip: Don’t use your first scene for global Script initialization. I’ve noticed that a lot of projects online seem to use the first scene as a means of initializing global systems. Why this is bad Doing this means you are making yourself more...